
hour from Jakarta, commencing in July 2008.
It is an affiliated member of The Islamic Schools of Victoria, Al-Taqwa College, Melbourne, Australia, which has over 25 years of experience educating Prep to Year 12 with a student population of 1,200.
It is the aim of the school that students should be challenged and offered success in a worthwhile learning environment and given the chnace to take increasing responsibility for their education. This envolves holding high expectations of eah students potential, the maintenance of a disciplined working atmosphere and the fostering and rewarding of students effort.
The greatest gift a parent can give to their child is quality education. Education is essential, as it is one of the very few things in life, which can be carried wiht a child right through their lifetime.
Students are encouraged to remeber the verse ‘Oh Allah Advance me in my knowledge’, so that they acn set high Islamic goals and strengthen their will to learn.

The purpose of the establishment of Yayasan International Islamic Schools of Indonesia was to give an opportunity for parents to allow their children to obtain an International curriculum and certification from Primary to Secondary. The college is a springboard for students to continue their tertiary education both locally and overseas.
We believe that education is important regardless of race, nationality or gender – all curriculum areas and their implementation are evenly taught as each students is an individual and should have a curriculum created to suit their skills and needs.
The school at Hambalang has the land of 10 hectares and has currently built up to only approx. 2500m2. It has been a great effort for Omar Hallak and his team in the school to council to maintain the cost in funding the school. Up to 2013, the school council from Melbourne have been continuously subsiding in funding the school at Hambalng – Sentul. However, since they have a strong intention in developing the quality of the Indonesia Muslim and are always optimist, they never stop to support the school.
The Islamic Trust
The Islamic Trust Fund of Victoria, ITFV has been established in Australia since 1984 by a group of Muslims of various Nationalities and based in Melbourne, Australia and one of the top school in Victoria. It’s aim is to provide education and learning experiences which are guided by principals of
Islam. The need to establish a school (Grades K-12) with an integrated Islamic curriculum is thus a logical and natural extension of such a university which will prepare young minds, from the early state of their development, to see Islam as their source of inspiration and guidance in all aspects of their lives.
Objectives of the Trust
The mission of the Islamic Trust aims to spread the religion of Islam through its work of establishing schools, institutions of higher learning, residential area that is organised in accordance to Islamic Principles. In addition to the above, the Trustees organize educational seminars, youth camps and other programs with the objective of providing a sound knowledge and experience in Islam.
1 Sheikh Omar Hallak (Chairman and Principal of Al-Taqwa College)
2 Mohammad Hallak (Chirman)
3 Yousef Hussein (school Imam)
4 Roshan Ali (Retired Engineer)
5 Hussam Hallak (Property manager)
Activities of the Trust
The Trust has adopted the practice of carrying out its activities as separate, independent and autonomous operations that are designed to utilize its assets for the achievement of its objectives.
The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College) is committed to be the leading learning and teaching for the communities in Indonesia locally and overseas. It balances a challenging curriculum, diverse activities and Islamic teaching according to Qur’an and Sunnah (exemplaries
from Prophet Muhammad SAW).
The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College) aims to produce good reflective self-directed learners who have problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. It is also a place where the individuality of each person is recognised and reflected in the College’s curriculum diversity, flexibility, diverse teaching strategies and student centered processes. The College creates a school environment that instills in students love and obedience to Allah (s.w.t.) in accordance with the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), and enables them to benefit from the teachings of the Holy Al-Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him).
We are also committed to be an Independent Learning Centre accessible to most Muslim residents living in the area. The core of our mission is to promote, develop and encourage educational excellence as well as nurture leadership quality for all students. Our mission is also to make the school as one of the best and leading International Islamic schools, with safe and caring environment, guided by the Islamic principles.
The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College) is an international school where students will complete the final Year 12 which qualifies them for tertiary education globally. It opens doors for students to study in Australia and allows parents to benchmark their child’s performance
against the standard of Australian schools.
Fundamental Principles
2. There must be respect for others – for their opinions, their feelings, their property, their physical well-being, their right to enjoy life without interference and their right to learn.
3. The needs of the individual are paramount.
4. Although humans are part of the goodness of Allah’s creation, human nature makes it difficult to always choose the good and thus young people need to be guided, led and taught.
5. Young people are called to be active learners and should be encouraged to keep striving until they have achieved the best of which they are capable.
6. Young people need to be equipped with the social skills needed to live in harmony and to cooperate and compete according to acceptable societal rules and norms.
7. The richness of the Islamic tradition and teaching inform the direction and operation of the College within the Indonesian context.

Stemming from its commitment to achieving excellence in Islamic inclusive education, the College will:
1. Provide a high quality inclusive and integrated deduction for all children that develop their talents and capabilities to full potential and is relevant to the social, cultural and economic needs of the College’s Islamic community and to the nation as a whole.
2. Produce graduates who are proud to be Indonesian Muslims.
3. Enable all students to achieve high standards of learning and to develop self-esteem, optimism, respect for others, and achieve personal excellence.
4. Provide equal access for all students including those with disabilities, to the educational opportunities provided by the College and provide for students with special learning needs.
5. Provide students with the skills, knowledge and competencies needed for students to have maximum flexibility and adaptability in their future post-school learning, employment and other aspects of life.
6. Provide a foundation for further education and training through the generation of a love of learning and the development of a positive attitude towards life-long learning.
7. Provide students with an understanding of and respect for the Islamic cultural heritage as well as for the particular cultural background of Indonesian ethnic groups and for other cultures.
8. Develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will enable students to participate as active and informed citizens in Indonesian society and to contribute to making the world a better place.
9. Provide for the physical development and personal health and fitness of students and for the creative use of leisure time.
10. Provide students with an appreciation of the nature and place of work in our society, opportunities to develop good work practices and a respect for the rights of others in the work place.

English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, Language Other Than English (LOTE) Arabic and Bahasa Indonesia, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health, Islamic Studies, Art, and Indonesian Citizenship. All the subjects are delivered in English, except for Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian Citizenship.
Open Enrollment from:
Upper Primary Level (Grade 1-6)
Middle Secondary (Grade 7-12)
Our graduates will have a life skill of curriculum accepted worldwide, moreover with a sound Islamic foundation. Students recite the Holy Qur’an every morning, pray Dhuha during recess, pray Dzuhur and Ashr in congregation (jamaah), dress and act Islamically.
Spacious Classrooms (max. 22 students/class)
IT Lab.
Science Lab
Spacious Canteen
Boarding Room
Sports field
School Bus Feeder (From Bogor and Sentul area)
Seminar Hall (Capacity up to 80 people)
Paddy Fields and Bush walking tracks (outdoor activities)
Mountain View and Fresh Air
The College grounds have been designed to maximize the feeling of wide-open spaces, and include excellent outdoor in a fresh and clean air environment. These world-class facilities will enable students and teachers to learn, teach in comfort and safety guided by Islamic principles, values and practices
Our yearly academic calendar starts at the end of January until December
Students go to school from 07.30 a.m. – 03.00 p.m.
Islamic values are integrated within the daily schedule; students start the day by reciting the Holy Qur’an, praying dhuha during recess, praying dzhuhur and Ashr congregationally, etc.
The learning system focuses on the students (student-centered learning)
Leadership and public speaking skills are continously trained through subject presentations and delivering speeches after dzhuhur prayer. Students also plant and harvest rice at least once a year.
Yearly competition and seminar are held (internal – external) to unite the surrounding schools.
Students are exposed to nature. They involve in planting, harvesting and other enviromental activities.
Weekly english tutor is given to the youth of Hambalang Village to improve the quality of human resource, as a part of our community development program.
Boarding program is to accomodate students activity during their stay at school (Monday-Friday). After school hours, boarding students are engaged with Islamic activities (the learning of Qur’an, hadits, Fiqih, etc) and physical activities (martial art, swimming, etc)
As a part of our community development program, we currently award 6 (six) students for scholarship at our college. They are those who are less fortunate in financial but are intelligent. We see this as a future potential for the nation and expect them to be the best Islamic Leaders in the coming days. Therefore, we also open the invitation for those who would also like to contribute in this program so that we can educate more young generation Islamically.
If you wish to participate in developing this school, our office would be delighted to hear from you. Your contributions, views, comments and recommendations will be taken into consideration whilst still in the progressing stages.
If you would like to know more about current developments of the school or any specific information, you are also most welcome to contact us to discuss any matters in detail.
We pray to Allah and request your prayers too, for the successful realisation of this project, InshaAllah.
”…And with the help of Allah, comes success and guidance”.
Our Contact Address:
The International Islamic Schools of Indonesia (Al-Taqwa College)
Kampung Hambalang RT005/02, Citeureup, Bogor
Contact Person:
1. College Principal, Br. Omar S Hallak
Telephone: +61 412111752
Homepage: httl:/
2. Deputy Principal for Indonesia, Sis. Muslimah
Telephone: 62-21 33780816 or 085781555963
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