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Thursday 28 November 2013

Year 8 Group Link

Students link
1. Suherlan
2. The Girls
3. Ayamsen
4.  Shiddiq

Zul's Dillema

Zul is standing on the tee of the last hole of the Australian All Stars Golf Tournament. The plan of the hole is shown here.
Most players play two shots around the water hazard and then have two putts to get their par 4. Zul needs a 3 on this hole to win the tournament, and he has not been putting very well all day. He knows that he can usually hit a golf ball 250 m and if he swings perfectly he can hit a ball 260 m.
Should he be adventurous and try to hit across the water hazard? If he lands in the water he will be penalised two strokes and will therefore lose the tournament. Or should he take the safe path around the water hazard and try to win with his putter?
Zul and his caddie have a map of the hole on their scorecard and they are trying to do some quick mathematics. The caddie has drawn a rough scale diagram and is measuring the distance with a small ruler.

1     What is the scale of the caddie’s diagram?

2     How far is it to the hole?

3     Should Zul play the shot over the water?

4     Should Zul trust his caddie’s quick, rough calculations, or is there a more accurate method for calculating the required distance?

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Year 8 - Wednesday Task

Assalamu'alaikum w. w.
Here the task for math class - Read Carefully..!
1. Finish the form using google form,you dont have to save the form because it will automatically saved on your google drive.
2. Put the link of your google form to your blog and send your blog adress to
3. Gather minimum 10 responden (classmate) to fill the form from your blog.
when someone fill the form,The Spreadsheet will filled and saved automatically on your google drive. Share your spreadsheet to

Scoring (max score 40 point) - consider as portfolio on grading scale
1. The benefit of form (5 point)
2. Using more than 5 questions style - (5 point)
3. Put the link on blog (5 point)
4. Gather min 10 responden (15 point)
5. Submit maximum at 10.00 am today (10 point)

happy data crunching!
wassalamu'alaikum w.w.
Fill your blog address here

Wednesday Math Task

Assalamu'alaikum w.w.
Here the the task for your class
1. Year 11 : learn about differential from A level CD then rewrite the exercise from that CD on your folio book
2. Year 12 : Do minimum 5 questions about integral from your UN book.
this task is part of grading score..
Wassalamu'alaikum w.w.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Statistical Investigations

Math Project (Individual) 
Use Google Form to create a questionnaire.
Choose one of this investigations

1. Islamic Index
Example Questions : Why you choose islam as your religion? How many times a day you read quran?, have you praying dluha today?, have you ever left fard prayer (rawatib) since adult/baligh?, have you ever left sunnah rawatib since baligh? have you ever dated someone? What do you think about Music in Islamic point of view? Base on your opinion is Islam curb your freedom?

2. All about favourite
Example Questions: Whats is your favourite subject, teaching method, surah from quran, du'a, teacher, book, game, movie, friend, sport, extracurricular, atc event, favourite chapter in math, science, sose,

3. Are you kinesthetic visual or auditory learner - click here for resources

If you finish with your form attach the link on your blog
Happy data crunching!!

Monday 25 November 2013

A Level Exam Paper

Assalamu'alaikum w.w.

My Dear A level students here the Specimen Paper for Advance level Math.
Ask your teacher for the password

1. June 2012 download here
2. November 2012 download here
3. June 2013 download here
4. November 2013 download here

Wassalamu'alaikum w.w.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Soal Jawab - Hukum Bermusik Dalam Islam

Assalamu`alaikum wr wb
Ustadz ada beberapa hal yg saya jumpai di rumah maupun di sekolah yaitu ttg seseorang yg bermusik.
1 Apa hukumnya sesorang mendengarkan / memainkan musik. Saya pernah membaca perihal hal ini yaitu ttg perbedaan pendapat para ulama dalam menentukan hukum mengenai ini.Tentu saja mereka menggunakan dalil2 dari Al-Qur`an dan hadist  dlm meyampaikan pendapatnya, tetapi ada dalil yg membolehkan dan yg melarang musik. Nah kalau musik klasik semisal  Mozart apa hukumnya? Bagaimana kita menyikapinya?
Terima kasih.

Ustadz, saya juga ingin tahu alamat emailnya?
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Waalaikumussalam Wr Wb
Saudara Ahmad yang dimuliakan Allah
Sebagaimana yang anda sebutkan bahwa terjadi pro kontra dikalangan para ulama terhadap hukum nyayian dan alat musik. DR Wahbah mengatakan bahwa yang masyhur didalam madzhab yang empat (Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi’i dan Hambali) adalah mengharamkan menggunaan alat-alat untuk menyanyi, seperti : lute, drum, seruling, rebab dan yang lainnya termasuk memetik gitar, flute, klarinet dan yang lainnya.

Siapa yang selalu mendengarkannya maka persaksiannya tidaklah diterima sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw,”Akan ada dari umatku orang-orang yang menghalalkan khomr, babi, sutera dan musik.” (HR. Bukhori) dan didalam lafazh yang lain disebutkan,”Ada orang-orang dari umatku yang akan meminum khomr, menamakannya dengan bukan namanya, memainkan musik diatas kepalanya dengan alat-alat musik dan para penyanyi wanitanya maka Allah akan menenggelamkan mereka kedalam bumi dan menjadikan sebagian dari mereka menjadi monyet dan babi.” (HR. Ibnu Majah)
Didalam mengharamkan musik ini, mereka juga menggunakan dalil dari Al Qur’an ;
وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
Artinya : “dan di antara manusia (ada) orang yang mempergunakan Perkataan yang tidak berguna untuk menyesatkan (manusia) dari jalan Allah.” (QS. Luqman : 6)
Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa alat-alat itu mengahalanginya dari mengingat Allah dan dari mengerjakan sholat serta membuang-buang harta, sebagaimana khomr.

Para ulama Syafi’i dan Hambali memakruhkan alat pukul yang terbuat dari dahan pohon yang menjadikan nyanyiannya semakin ramai dan nyanyian itu tidak akan ramai apabila alat itu digunakan sendirian. Alat itu menyertai nyanyian sehingga hukumnya adalah hukum nyanyian, yaitu makruh apabila digabungkan dengan sesuatu yang haram atau markruh seperti tepuk tangan, nyanyian, tarian dan apabila tidak ada hal-hal demikian maka ia tidaklah makruh karena ia bukanlah alat musik…

Imam Malik, Zhohiriyah dan sekelompok orang-orang sufi membolehkan mendengarkan musik walaupun dengan menggunakan alat pukul dari kayu dan rotan, ini adalah pendapat sekelompok sahabat, seperti Ibnu Umar, Abdullah bin Ja’far, Abdullah bin Zubeir, Muawiyah, Amr bin ‘Ash dan yang lainnya serta sekelompok tabi’in seperti Sa’id bin Musayyib. (al Fiqhul Islami wa Adillatuhu juz IV hal 2664 – 2665)
Syeikh Mahmud Syaltut mengatakan didalam fatawanya tentang belajar alat musik dan mendengarkannya bahwa sesungguhnya Allah swt menciptakan manusia dengan memiliki insting atau tabi’at yang cenderung kepada kesenangan dan kebaikan yang membekas didalam dirinya. Dengan hal itu dirinya menjadi tenang, senang, bersemangat dan menenangkan anggota tubuhnya. Jiwanya juga merasa lega dengan berbagai pemandangan yang indah seperti pemandangan yang hijau, air yang jernih, wajah yang cantik, bebauan yang wangi.

Syari’at tidaklah mematikan insting itu akan tetapi ia mengaturnya dan bersifat moderat didalam islam merupakan sesuatu yang sangat mendasar yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Al Qur’an yang mulia, seperti firman-Nya :
يَا بَنِي آدَمَ خُذُواْ زِينَتَكُمْ عِندَ كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍ وكُلُواْ وَاشْرَبُواْ وَلاَ تُسْرِفُواْ
Artinya : “Hai anak Adam, pakailah pakaianmu yang indah di setiap (memasuki) mesjid, Makan dan minumlah, dan janganlah berlebih-lebihan.” (Qs. Al A’raf : 31)
Berdasarkan hal itulah syariat islam mengarahkan manusia untuk memenuhi berbagai tuntutan instingnya kepada batas yang moderat dan tidak melepaskannya begitu saja dan tidak juga mencabut insting itu didalam menyukai berbagai pemandangan yang baik, suara-suara yang nikmat didengar dan sesungguhnya syariat itu mengaturnya dengan baik dan seimbang kepada apa-apa yang tidak membawa kemudharatan dan kejahatan.

Beliau juga menambahkan didalam fatwanya bahwa dirinya telah membaca pendapat salah seorang fuqoha abad XI yang terkenal dengan sifat wara’ dan ketakwaannya, tulisannya itu berjudul “Penjelasan dalil-dalil dalam mendengarkan alat-alat musik” oleh Syeikh Abdul Ghani an Nablusi al Hanafi yang menegaskan didalamnya bahwa hadits-hadits yang dijadikan dasar oleh orang-orang yang mengharamkan musik terikat dengan penyebutan berbagai macam permainan, penyebutan khomr, biduanita, perbuatan tak senonoh dan hampir dipastikan bahwa didalam hadits tersebut tidak disebutkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang demikian. Karena itu dia menjadikan bahwa mendengar suara-suara dan alat-alat musik apabila disertai dengan hal-hal yang diharamkan atau menggunakan sarana-sarana yang diharamkan atau terjadi di situ hal-hal yang diharamkan maka hukumnya haram. Dan apabila ia bersih dari hal-hal yang demikian maka hukumnya mubah (boleh) untuk menghadiri, mendengarkan dan mempelajarinya.

Nabi saw, para sahabat, tabi’in, para imam dan fuqoha telah menghadiri berbagai pertemuan untuk mendengarkan sesuatu yang tidak ada didalamnya suatu pelecehan dan yang diharamkan, hal ini juga banyak dikemukakan oleh para fuqoha. Fatwanya bahwa mendengarkan alat-alat yang memiliki alunan (senandung) atau suara-suara tidak mungkin diharamkan hanya sebatas suara yang keluar dari alat itu akan tetapi ia diharamkan apabila ia digunakan untuk sesuatu yang diharamkan atau menggunakan sarana yang diharamkan atau melalaikan yang wajib.

Kesimpulan ini didapat dari berbagai kitab fiqih para madzhab dan hukum-hukum didalam Al Qur’an dan dari sisi bahasa bahwa memukul duff (rebana) atau alat-alat lainnya para penunggang onta, untuk menggelorakan semangat para tentara dalam berperang, didalam perkawinan, hari raya, kedatangan orang yang selama ini hilang, membangkitkan semangat untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang penting adalah mubah sebagaimana kesepakatan ulama.

Adapun perselisihan yang terjadi diantara para fuqoha yang terdapat didalam buku-buku mereka adalah masalah halal atau tidak halal menyibukkan dirinya dengan musik baik mendengarkan, menghadiri atau mengajarkan apabila para pelakunya adalah orang yang berbuat haram seperti meminum khomar, nyanyian tak senonoh, cabul (jorok) yang bisa membangkitkan hawa nafsu maupun kefasikan pada orang-orang yang mendengarkannya begitu juga dengan joget atau perbuatan mesum lainnya. Dan itu semua digunakan pada tempat-tempat yang mengandung kemunkaran atau diharamkan… “

Ibnu Hazm mengatakan bahwa permasalahan ini tergantung dari niatnya. Barangsiapa yang berniat untuk menghibur dirinya, menyemangatinya untuk berbuat ketaatan maka ia termasuk orang yang taat dan berbuat baik dan barangsiapa yang berniat bukan untuk ketaatan juga bukan untuk kemaksiatan maka hal itu termasuk didalam perbuatan yang sia-sia yang dimaafkan seperti manusia yang keluar ke kebunnya hanya untuk refresing atau orang yang duduk-duduk di depan pintu rumahnya untuk rileks semata.

Imam Ghozali mengemukakan pendapat asy Syaukani didalam menjelaskan hadits,”Segala permainan yang dimainkan seorang mukmin adalah batil.” Tidaklah menunukkan pengharaman akan tetapi menunjukkan tidak adanya manfaat dan setiap yang tidak ada manfaat didalamnya termasuk mubah (boleh).” (Fatawa al Azhar juz VII hal 263)

Demikian pula terhadap musik karya Wolfgang A Mozart, musik simfoni, sonata, concerto yang termasuk didalam golongan musik-musik klasik maka ia—sebagaimana fatwa diatas—dibolehkan selama tetap memperhatikan hal-hal berikut ;
1. Tidak diniatkan untuk masiat kepada Allah swt.
2. Tidak berlebih-lebihan didalam menikmati maupun mendengarkannya sehingga melalaikannya dari perkara-perkara yang diwajibkan, seperti : sholat, mengingat Allah maupun kewajiban lainnya.
3. Para pemainnya tidak menampilkan perbuatan-perbuatan yang diharamkan atau dilarang agama.
4. Biduanitanya—jika ada—tidak melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang mengundang fitnah, seperti :menggunakan gaun yang seronok, tidak sopan, bergoyang-goyang atau menyanyikannya dengan suara-suara yang dibuat-buat sehingga membangkitkan birahi dan merangsang syahwat orang-orang yang mendengarkannya.
5. Bait-bait syair lagunya tidak bertentangan dengan adab dan ajaran islam, seperti mengandung kemusyrikan, pelecehan, jorok dan sejenisnya.
6. Tidak diadakan di tempat-tempat yang mengandung syubhat, kemunkaran atau diharamkan, seperti di tempat yang dibarengi dengan minuman keras, dicampur dengan perbuatan cabul dan maksiat.

Ada sedikit yang membedakan antara musik klasik dari musik-musik lainnya adalah manfaat dari musik ini menurut penelitian para pakar. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa alunannya yang lembut dan tenang dapat memberikan efek yang baik bagi janin, bayi dan anak-anak. Ada pula peneliti barat yang mengatakan bahwa musik klasik dapat menambah kecerdasan pada anak.

UNESCO Music Council menyebutkan bahwa manfaat musik klasik adalah pertama sebagai alat pendidikan dan kedua adalah alat untuk mempertajam rasa intelektual manusia (Intellect Einfullung). Musik yang demikian biasanya mempunyai keseimbangan antara empat unsur musik, yaitu melodi, harmoni, irama (rythim) dan warna suara (timbre). Musik yang memenuhi persyaratan itu adalah musik klasik, semi musik klasik, musik rakyat, juga musik tradisional seperti karawitan. (sumber :

Bagi seorang muslim yang menyukai musik ini maupun yang ingin mengambil manfaat darinya untuk hal-hal diatas maupun yang lainnya maka tidaklah menempatkannya diatas dari keagungan, keindahan maupun mafaat dari Al Qur’an. Hendaklah terlebih dahulu ia menggunakan Al Qur’an sebelum menggunakan musik tersebut karena Al Qur’an adalah obat, menenangkan jiwa, menghibur dikala sedih, mengasah ketajaman hafalan dan lainnya. Adapun setelah itu dia ingin menggunakan musik klasik untuk diambil manfaatnya seperti yang dikatakan oleh para pakar dan selama tidak mengandung hal-hal yang dilarang seperti yang disebutkan diatas maka ia dibolehkan.
Wallahu A’lam
-Ustadz Sigit Pranowo Lc-

Thursday 21 November 2013


Wednesday 20 November 2013

Ketika Eropa Berkiblat kepada Ummat Islam

Arsip Sejarah : Surat Duta Besar Inggris Inggris Meminta Bantuan Kepada Khilafah Ustmani (1558) dengan Penuh Hormat Melawan Armada Spanyol

Duta Besar Inggris yang Meminta Bantuan Kholifah : Memohon Kepada Daulah Ustmani yang Mulia dan Bermartabat  dan Aturan Hukum Islam 
Surat , yang ditulis pada 1588 atas permintaan Ratu Inggris, saat ini disimpan di Royal English Archives di Berkshire, Inggris. Dalam surat ini, Duta Besar Inggris di Istanbul, William Harborne, mendorong Sultan Murad III untuk melemahkan kekuatan Armada Spanyol yang disebutnya “tidak terkalahkan” untuk mencegah serangan lanjutan atas Inggris.
“Permintaan ini ditujukkan kepada Sultan yang terhormat yang kepadanya kami berterima kasih, yang dilindungi alam semesta, dan yang memiliki kekuatan, kekayaan, dan kesucian. Pelayanmu telah diwajibkan oleh Tuhan untuk menjaga hubungan damai dan suci antara Anda dan Ratu Inggris. Pelayanmu telah menerima tugas ini dengan setia dan rela selama sembilan tahun sebelumnya, dan berharap bahwa Yang Mulia akan memanfaatkan kekuatan dan diberi kekuasaan untuk memusnahkan musuh kita bersama, yakni orang-orang pagan.
Dengan nama Allah, saya menyerukan kepada Anda untuk mengasihi pelayanmu yang berdosa ini, jika Anda tidak begitu ingin untuk menunjukkan kekuatan melawan orang-orang pagan  ini [Raja Spanyol] sedemikian rupa, maka mohon kirimkan setidaknya enam puluh atau delapan puluh kapal untuk melemahkan mereka. Selanjutnya, Tuanku adalah seorang wanita yang karena sifat alaminya tidak suka akan peperangan; maka, atasnya berlaku kehendak Allah tentang masalah ini dalam kapasitasnya. Jika ditinggalkan oleh seorang teman setia, yang meletakkan baik hidupnya maupun kekayaanya dalam kepercayaan Anda, makan hal ini akan mengejutkan dunia pada saat yang kritis ini.
Yang Mulia, segera dikirimkanya armada Anda untuk Ratu saya akan menjunjung tinggi kehormatan dan martabat Daulah Uthmani sesuai dengan perintah Allah SWT dan hukum Islam. Jika Anda berkenan, orang-orang Spanyol yang sombong itu, Paus yang tidak sah, dan para pendukung mereka tidak hanya akan kehilangan harapan untuk meraih kemenangan, melainkan mereka juga harus dihukum karena kesombongan mereka. Tuhan hanya melindungi orang-orang yang dekat kepada-Nya, melalui tangan Anda, Dia akan menghukum dan menghancurkan orang-orang pagan, dan meninggalkan orang-orang yang tetap menyembah Allah yang benar yang kita kenal. Semoga Allah memberikan kemenangan dan memberkati mereka yang berada di jalan yang benar.”
Sultan Murad III menanggapi surat tersebut dan menyatakan, “Sebagaimana teman-teman kami yang kami hormati dan lindungi di masa lalu, Ratu Inggris juga akan diperlakukan sama pada hari ini.”(sumber : Ottoman History Picture Archives)

IGCSE Math Speciment Paper

Here the Speciment Paper Exam for IGCSE Mathematics
download here (ask the winrar password to your math teacher +628170247117)

Download winrar software here

1. Paper 1  Core - June 2012 Download here
2. Paper 2 Extended - June 2012 Download here
3. Paper 3 Core - June 2012 Download here
4. Paper 4 Extended - June 2012 Download here
5. Paper 1 Core - November 2013 Download here
6. Paper 2 Extended - November 2013 Download here
7. Paper 3 Core - November 2013 Download here
8. Paper 4 Extended - November 2013 Download here

IGCSE Core - Exercise Paper
1. Number and Algebra Download here
2. Further Number and Algebra Download here
3. Shape and Space Download here
4. Geometry Download here
5. Statistics and transformation Download here

IGCSE Extended - Exercise Paper
1. Number & Probability Click here
2. Further Algebra Click here
3. Shape & Space Click here
4. Geometry Click here
5. Statistics & Transformation Click here

2016 IGCSE Syllabus download here

May Allah SWT Give us all His Blessing Amiin.

Assalamu'alaikum w.w.
My dear year 8 student here the answer of your end of review unit 6
download here
Wassalamu'alaikum w.w.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

The True Meaning of Taqwa

The True Meaning of Taqwa "O you who believe! fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam." [TMQ 3:102]
Allah (swt) in the Quran emphasises the concept of Taqwa to us many times in the Quran.
Taqwa is one of the most profound concepts in Islam. Taqwa is an avenue by which Muslims relate to one another in society and a means to channel their actions. Because of the great importance of taqwa, it has been referred to numerous times in the Qur’an and Sunnah in order to emphasise its relevance and significance to the Muslims.
Allah (swt) strongly emphasises the rewards of people with taqwa in this life and the Hereafter. It is these muttaqeen that Allah (swt) grants assistance, victory and provides for. Thus, understanding the concept of taqwa is vital and mandatory for every Muslim.
Unfortunately, this is the very concept which some of us have left behind, as a result of intellectual decline. The disbelievers in the distant past, as well as in present times, have understood the importance of taqwa and the Islamic creed, and how it could jeopardise their interests. They realised how taqwa and the Islamic creed (‘aqeedah) were the roots of power to the Muslims. Today we see a campaign to destroy the concept of Taqwa by making us divide the Deen from the Dunya, to secularise our understanding of Islam such that we limit it to personal Ibadat and akhlaq (morals) and detach from any other aspect of life such as economics, politics or social affairs. Allah (swt) warned us in the Quran about their continuous attempts to extinguish his light i.e. Islam, He (swt) said:
"They wish to extinguish Allah's Light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His Light is perfected even though the kuffar may detest it." [TMQ 9:32]
Unfortunately due to the influence of the idea of separating the Deen and Dunya, we can see many misunderstandings amongst us as to who is defined as the Mutaqqi. A picture of a person who over emphasises prayer, fasting, and things such as donating to the masjid, while living a secluded and isolated life would be the one with taqwa, even though the same person would deal with usury, lie and do nothing towards reviving the Ummah.
Due to this idea, people look to Islam as a religion like the other religions who are not complete Deen’s that have come with solutions to every aspect of life. So if I were to ask anyone from amongst the general population of Muslims, ‘what are the rules of Salah?’ I am sure most people would be able to answer this question. But if I was to ask ‘what is the ruling or economic system of Islam?’, ‘what are the Shariah rules relating to contracts and company structures’ or ‘what is our shar’iah responsibility towards the Muslims around the world who are being attacked such as in Iraq and Palestine?’ then I think many people would not know the answers to these questions, we must ask why? Didn’t Allah (swt) reveal to us a complete Deen covering all aspects of life? Didn’t Allah (swt) say in the Quran:
“And We have sent down to you the Book as an explanation of everything, a guidance, a mercy and glad-tidings for those who submitted themselves to Islam.” [TMQ 16:89]
So let us understand the true meaning of Taqwa. In contrast to the distorted picture that people have today, the Qur’an and Sunnah defines the idea of taqwa as protecting oneself from the Hellfire by following the orders of Allah (swt) by doing what He (swt) has commanded and avoiding what He (swt) has forbidden. Many ayat in the Qur’an point to this:
“And unto Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. And, verily, We have recommended to the people of the Scripture before you, and to you (O Muslims) that you (all) fear Allah, and keep your duty to Him, But if you disbelieve, then unto Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and Allah is Ever Rich, Worthy of all praise.” [TMQ An-Nisa’ 4: 131]
Taqwa comes from the word 'waqiya', which means to protect. It is protection from the Anger of Allah (swt) and His (swt) punishment. This is why Taqwa is used to describe the performing of actions, which pleases Allah (swt) and abstaining from all actions that displeases Him (swt).
Taqwa in essence means god consciousness, being conscious of Allah (swt) in all our actions and affairs.
Also, in the Prophet’s (saw) last khutbah he said, “I ask you to fear Him (swt), listen to Him (swt), and obey.” Both the ayah, as well as the hadith, are commanding Muslims to have taqwa. A person should have taqwa as a barrier between himself and the Anger and Displeasure of Allah (swt). Through taqwa, the Muslim strives to obey Allah (swt) and abstains from His prohibitions.
The son of ‘Ali (ra), Al-Hasan (ra) once said, “The people who have taqwa (al-muttaqoon) are the people who avoided whatever Allah (swt) has prohibited and have done whatever Allah (swt) has ordained.”
‘Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (ra) once said, “Taqwa is not by fasting the day and not by praying the night. And its not by mixing between the two of them. But taqwa is leaving what Allah (swt) has made Haram and by doing what Allah (swt) has made Fard. After one has done this, Allah (swt) will provide good things for that person.”
Ibn Juzayy said in his dictionary of terms from the introduction to his tafsir: "Taqwa's meaning is fear, clinging to obedience to Allah and abandoning disobedience to Him. It is the sum of all good."
A true muttaqoon is a person who strives to possess a solid understanding and knowledge of the rulings of Allah (swt) through the Qur’an and Sunnah. Without proper knowledge of the Islamic rulings, a person would not know what is asked of him/her. Therefore, it is a must to understand Islam properly as well as to have the proper intention of pleasing Allah (swt) in carrying out these actions.
Imam Ahmad mentions a hadith, narrated by a Sahabi, whereby a person once asked, “Oh Messenger of Allah, give me some advice.” The Prophet (saw) responded, “I advise you to fear Allah (swt) because it is the head of everything.” In another occasion the Prophet (saw) replied, “Fear Allah (swt) because it is the collection of all goodness.” Allah (swt) also promises to be with those who have taqwa. Allah (swt) says,
“Truly, Allah is with those who fear Him, keep their duty unto Him, and those who are muhsinun (doers of good for Allah’s sake only).” [TMQ An-Nahl 16:128] Also taqwa constitutes a reason, that Allah (swt) has provided, in order to help one who is experiencing hardship and distress. Allah (swt) promises,
“Whoever fears Allah, Allah will grant him a way out of hardship.” [TMQ At-Talaq 65:2]
Allah (swt) had also promised forgiveness of sins to those people who are muttaqoon.
“And whoever fears Allah, and keeps his duty to Him, He will forgive his sins from him and will enlarge his reward.” [TMQ At-Talaq 65:5]
Allah (swt) has given the glad tidings for those who have taqwa. The news of paradise is assured to such people, giving hints at the vast rewards to those who take Allah (swt) as their Lord in their actions.
“Verily those who are fearful of Allah (have taqwa ) are the people who, when an evil thought comes to them from Shaitan, they remember Allah and indeed they then see aright.” [TMQ Al-A‘raf 7:201]
“And he (Muhammad) who has brought the truth and those who believe therein, those are al-muttaqoon (the pious and the righteous).” [TMQ Az-Zumar 39:33]
Hence, from what Allah (swt) has outlined through the wahi, we can see that a person who possesses taqwa is not one who lives an isolated life, only praying, fasting and maintaining good character alone. Instead, the muttaqoon are those who fear Allah (swt) and look to what Allah (swt) has ordained in carrying out his actions to avoid His (swt) displeasure and anger. These people are involved with the Ummah, active in his/her life, concerned with the affairs of the Muslims, while at the same time praying, fasting, spending in Allah’s cause, having good morals and are forgiving. All these descriptions can be attributed to a person who has taqwa.
The Deen has come to regulate the Dunya, not be separated from it. There is no concept of monasticism in Islam i.e. being like a monk. The Prophet (saw) said, “There is no monasticism in Islam.”
Umar ibn al Khattab once looked at those praying and said, "The great number of times any of you raises and lowers his head does not deceive me. The [real] deen is being cautious and meticulous in the deen of Allah, and refraining from what Allah has forbidden, and acting according to what Allah permits and forbids.”
Narrated Abu Huraira, the Prophet (saw) said, "The dunya is a prison for the believer and Paradise for the kafir (disbeliever)," [Sahih Muslim, vol.4, #7058]
This means that we live within the prison of the Shariah, that every single action we undertake is based upon the revelation of Allah (swt). This means we must accept Islam completely and all of its rules including the rules relating to society, economics and Khilafah. This does not mean that we deny the world and that seeking material development and advancement according to the rules of Shariah is wrong.
In fact once when Imam Ibn Hajar al Asqalani, a famous scholar in the past who died in 852 AH, who wrote the commentary of Sahih al Bukhar entitled ‘Fath al Bari’, was walking with his grand entourage through the town, they came upon a miserable, poor and dejected Jew. When the Jew recognized Ibn Hajar, he called out to him, "O scholar of Islam! Is it not true that your Prophet has said that this life is a prison for the believer and Paradise for the kafir? How is it that you are living in lavish wealth being a so-called believer, and yet I live this meagre and miserable existence?" Ibn Hajar responded, "What you say of the Prophet (saw) of what he has said is true. You should know that this opulence you see me living in, is a prison compared to what awaits for me in the Hereafter. And, you should know that what you are living is Paradise compared to what Allah has prepared for you in the akhira."
We must realise that that every Muslim is obliged to believe in the Islamic Shari’ah as a whole otherwise we would be Kafir. Therefore the concept of secularism i.e. to separate the Deen from the Dunya is a Kufr concept. It is Kufr to deny the AHkam Shari’ah as a whole, or any definite (qaT'ai)detailed hukm of them. This is the case whether these ahkam (rules)are connected with worships (ibadaat), transactions (mu'amalaat), punishments (uqoobaat), foodstuffs, etc. So the rejection of the verse:
"So establish regular prayer"[Al-Baraqah:43]
Is the same as rejecting the verses:
"But Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury,"[Al-Baraqah:275]
"As to the thief, male or female, cut of f his or her hands,"[Al-Ma’idah:38]
And is the same as rejecting the following verse calling the believers brothers regardless of their colour, language or ethnic origin – thus prohibiting nationalism i.e. to believe that we are better than others based upon our ethnic origin. So the Muslims in Iraq, Palestine and Iraq are our brothers just as the Muslims in Delhi, Bangkok or Jakarta:
“The believers are nothing else but brothers” [TMQ Al-Hujurat: 10]
Or the verses to do with ruling by what Allah has revealed, which we see the rulers in the Muslim world today ignoring, such as:
“And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Zaalimun (unjust, oppressors).” [TMQ 5:45]
“And rule between them by that which Allah revealed to you, and do not follow their vain desires away from the truth which came to you.” [TMQ 5:48]
In fact Allah (swt) has explicitly told us in the Quran that we are not believers unless we accept all of the rules of Islam. He (swt) said:
"But no, I swear by your lord (allah), they will have no Iman, until they make you, (o prophet) rule between them in whatever they dispute amongst themselves, and then they find no resistance in their souls from what you have decided, instead they submit with absolute submission". [TMQ An Nisa: 65]
Allah (swt) warned us of only taking Islam partially, He (swt) has condemned us if we think that politics is not part of Islam or that economics is not part of Islam, or that Islam has nothing to say about the current world situation. We must accept Islam as an Aqeeda and a system. Allah (swt) said:
“So do you believe in some part of the Book and disbelieve in some. The penalty awaiting those who do this is nothing but humiliation in this life and the severest of punishment on the day of Judgement.” [2:85]
Allah (swt) has revealed to us the best system to regulate the affairs of the Dunya so why are many of us even unaware of it?
Let us look at some examples of Taqwa from the Sahaba:
Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of Ibn Abi Awfa (may Allah be pleased with them both) who said:
“We were struck by extreme hunger on the nights of Khaybar. On the day of Khaybar we found some domestic Asses so we slaughtered them. When the pots began to boil the caller of the Messenger of Allah called out to us and said: overturn your pots and do not eat anything of the meat of donkeys. ‘Abd Allah said: we said that the Prophet forbade them because the Khumus (i.e. a fifth of the spoils) had not been taken out of it. He said others said that he has prohibited them completely. I asked Sa’eed b. Jubayr who said, he has prohibited them completely.”
Al-Bukhari reported on the , he said:authority of Anas b. Malik: “I was serving drinks to Abu Talha al-Ansari, ‘Ubaidah b. al-Jarrrah and Ubayy b. Ka'b prepared from unripe dates and fresh dates when a visitor came and he said: Verily liquor has been prohibited. Thereupon, Abu Talha said: O Anas! Stand up and break this pitcher. I stood up and (took hold) of a pointed stone and struck the pitcher with its lower part until it broke into pieces.”
Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Ayisha (may Allah be Pleased with her) who said: “We have been told also that when Allah revealed the order that the Muslims should return to the pagans what they had spent on their wives who emigrated (after embracing Islam) and that the Muslims should not keep unbelieving women as their wives, 'Umar divorced two of his wives.”
Al-Bukhari reported on the authority of ‘Ayisha (may Allah be pleased with her) who said:
“May Allah have mercy on the Muhajir women. When Allah revealed the verse: “And let them draw their headscarfs all over necks and bosoms” [TMQ An-Nur:31] they tore their wrappers and concealed themselves with them.”
Abu Dawud reported on the authority of Safiyyah bint Shaybah who reported on the authority of ‘Ayisha (may Allah be pleased her) that:
She (‘Ayisha) mentioned the women of Ansar, praised them and said good words about them. She then said: “When Surat an-Nur came down, they took the curtains, tore them and made head covers of them.”
Ibn Ishaq said: “…Al-Ash’ath b. Qays came to the Messenger of Allah as part of the Kindah delegation. Az-Zuhri informed to me that he came with eighty riders from Kindah. They entered the mosque of the Messenger of . They had long hair and put kohl (in their eyes). They wore Jubbahs with silk hems. When they entered the presence of Allah’s Messenger he said to them: did not you embrace Islam ? They said: Yes. He asked: ‘then what is this silk put around your necks? So they tore the silk and threw it away.”
Hanzalah b. Abi ‘Aamir (may Allah be pleased with him) who was bathed by the angels heard the call to the battle of Uhud. He hurriedly responded to the call. He was martyred on the day of Uhud. Ibn Ishaq said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Your companion is being bathed by the angels, ask his family what happened to him?” His wife was asked. She had been a bride on that night. She said he went out in a state of impurity when he heard the call. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “That is why the angels have bathed him”.
So let us be the ones who have Taqwa in its true meaning. Let us take Islam completely. Let us take heed from the words of Allah (swt) and may He (swt) strengthen us so that we can follow what He has said.
"O you who Believe! Enter into the Fold of Islam completely. And follow not the footsteps of Satan, for he is to you a clear enemy" [TMQ 2: 208]

The First Ten Days

Allah(swt) swears an oath by 10 days, and swearing an oath by something is indicative of its importance and great benefit. Allah (SWT) says: “By the dawn and by the 10 nights (i.e. the first 10 days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah)…” [Qur’an 89: 1-2]
Ibn ‘Abbaas, Ibn Az-Zubayr, Mujaahid and others of the earlier and later generations, may Allah have mercy upon them, said that this refers to the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. Ibn Katheer, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: “This is the correct opinion.” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/413]
The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah have been classified as the best 10 days of the year, and the Day of ‘Arafat, on which Allah perfected His religion has been classified as the best day of the year.
Narrated by Ibn Abbas, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Dhul Hijja).” Then some companions of the Prophet said, “Not even Jihad?” He replied, “Not even Jihad, except that of a man who does it by putting himself and his property in danger (for Allah’s sake) and does not return with any of those things.”  [Bukhaari Volume 2, Book 15, Number 86]
Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H) said: “The most excellent day of the week is the day of Jumuah (Friday), by the agreement of the scholars. And the most excellent day of the year is the day of an-Nahr. Some of them said that it is the day of Arafat. However, the first opinion is the correct one, since it is related in the Sunan collections that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “The most excellent days with Allah is the day of an-Nahr, then the day of al-Qarr (the day that the Muslims reside in Mina).” [(Saheeh) by Shaikh al-Albanee in Irwa al-Ghaleel (no: 2018). Related by Abu Dawood no: 1765].” [Majmoo al-Fatawa vol: 25, pp. 288]
The month of Dhul-Hijjah is a season of worship, and seasons of worship bring along blessings, benefits and opportunities to strengthen one’s faith and make up for shortcoming. Every one of these special opportunities involves some kind of worship, which brings the slave closer to his Lord. And Allah bestows His blessings and favours on whom He wills. The fortunate person is he who makes good use of these special months, days, and hours, while worshiping Allah. He is most likely to be touched by the blessings of Allah. Rewards of good deeds are multiplied in these days.

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “There are No days greater in the sight of Allaah (including Ramadhaan) & in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these 10 days, so during this time recite a great deal of Tahleel (“La ilaaha ill-Allaah”), Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) and Tahmeed (Al Hamdu Lil-laah).” [Ahmad]
According to Nasaa’i and Abu Dawood the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to fast on the first 9 days of Dhul-Hijjah and the day of ‘Ashoora’, and 3 days each month – the first Monday and 2 Thursdays of the month.
The Day of Arafaah
Regarding fasting on the Day of ‘Arafaah it was narrated from Abu Qatadah that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Fasting the day of ‘Ashura’, I hope, will expiate for the sins of the previous year.” [Muslim, Vol. 1, Book 7, Hadith 1738]
Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “There is no day on which Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than He does on the Day of ‘Arafah.” [Muslim, Book 11, Hadith 1277]

On the 2nd day of Hajj, the 9th Dhul Hijjah, The Day of Arafat, millions of pilgrims set out for the plains of Arafat after sunrise to attend the Khutba of Arafat and prayer their Zuhr & Asr salat combined as was the Sunnah of Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Thereafter they engage in supplication to Allah سبحانه وتعالى from Zuhr to Magrib, seeking forgiveness of their Lord before setting off for Muzdhalifah
Muwatta Malik: Yahya related to me from Malik from Ziyad ibn Abi Ziyad from Talha ibn Ubaydullah ibn Kariz that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “The best dua is dua on the day of Arafa, and the best thing that I or the Prophets before me have said is ‘There is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner’ (La ilaha illa’llah, wahdahu la sharika lah.)”
It is a brief invocation, but powerful and the Sunnah of all the Prophets. It should be repeated again and again.
Fasting on Day of Arafat
This fasting is Mustahabb only for the non-pilgrims and not for the Hajis (the pilgrims) because it was not the practice of Allah’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم to fast on the day of Arafat during pilgrimage and in a narration he also forbade doing so. Imaam at-Tirmidhee (ra) (d. 275H) said: “The People of Knowledge consider it recommended (Mustahabb) to fast on the day of Arafat, except for those at Arafat.” [Jaami'ut-Tirmidhee (3/377)
Perfection and completion of Islam
The day of Arafat holds great importance in Islam since this is the Day when Allah completed his revelation on His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. It is reported in the Saheehayn (i.e. Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim), from Umar Ibn al-Khattab (ra) that a Jewish man said to him: "O Ameer al-Mumineen (O head of the Muslims)! There is a verse in the Qur'aan, which if it was revealed on us, the Jews, we would have taken that day as an Eid (festival)." Umar asked: "Which verse?" He said: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." [al-Maidah, 5:3] Umar (ra) said: “We know on which day and in which place was this verse revealed to Allah’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. It was when he was standing in Arafat on a Friday.”
It was on this very day that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم performed his pilgrimage and while he صلى الله عليه وسلم was standing on Arafat Mountain, Allah سبحانه وتعالى revealed to Him the verse:

الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلاَمَ دِينًا

“This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (5:3)
This is the day on which Allah completed His Religion and perfected His Favour. Islam is perfect and complete. This should act as a warning to all those who call for reforming Islam or call for a British or European Islam for Muslims living in the West.
The Covenant
Arafat is the day on which Allah سبحانه وتعالى took the covenant from the progeny of Adam (as), it was reported that Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated: The Messenger of Allâh صلى الله عليه وسلم related: “When Allah سبحانه وتعالى created Adam (as) Allah سبحانه وتعالى took covenant from him in a place Naman on the day of Arafat, then He extracted from him all the descendants who would be born until the end of the world, generation after generation, and spread them out in front of Him in order to take a covenant from them also. He spoke to them face to face saying:
“Am I not your Lord?”
and they all replied: ‘Yes, we testify to it’. Allah then explained why He had all of mankind bear witness that He was their Creator and only true God worthy of worship. He said:
“That was in case you (mankind) should say on the Day of Resurrection, ‘Surely, we were unaware of this. We had no idea that You, Allah, were our Lord. No one told us that we were only supposed to worship You.”(Sahîh by Shaikh al-Albanî in Silsilah al-Ahâdîth as-Sahîhah vol: 4, no: 1623]
Indeed, the day of Arafat is a blessed day and there is no other covenant greater than this covenant!

10 things that the US exeptional at

In his speech on 24th September 2013, President Obama endeavoured to remind the world of America's exceptionalism conveying some of the most pressing issues facing the US today. Obama contextualised the shift from 20th century warfare to the modern political paradigm of using diplomacy in order to deal with a hostile political environment in the Middle East. In his words "I believe such disengagement would be a mistake. I believe America must remain engaged for our own security, but I also believe the world is better for it. Some may disagree. But I believe America is exceptional. In part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interest, but for the interest of all." [1] The speech addressed the current US position on Syria, the US viewpoint on Egypt, their relationship with Iran and emphasised their commitment to the democratisation of the Middle East.
Barack Obama emphasised America's exceptionalism – this is the belief that the United States is "qualitatively different" from other nations. Whilst the US stood as the global unipolar power since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, today America no longer enjoys exclusive political, economic or moral supremacy. What follows are 10 things the US truly is exceptional at:
1. Police State
In June this year a former CIA operative, Edward Snowden exposed US surveillance activities which revealed much about the inner workings of the US government. The revelations by Snowden uncovered PRISM, a clandestine electronic surveillance program that allowed the NSA to access email, web searches and real-time internet traffic. It involved collecting millions of emails and content from social media and was effectively spying on its own citizens on an industrial scale. The NSA leaks also claimed that the US hacked Chinese mobile phone companies to collect millions of text messages as well the Asian fibre-optic network operator Pacnet. These revelations caused international embarrassment for the US and publicised hypocrisies and double standards. The US has always accused China of cyber espionage yet it has now come to surface that they are guilty of hacking and are of the best hackers in the world. All of this shows that spying rather than the freedoms is how social cohesion is maintained in America.
2. Rendition
The Open Society Justice Initiative's (OSJI) 213-page report into the CIA's global rendition program has revealed that nearly a quarter of the world's governments were involved in the covert movement, detention and subsequent torture of dozens of people during the post 9/11 'War on Terror'. It has become clear that without the co-operation of the global community the US would have been unable to carry out its rendition program, making all those involved complicit. It has always been known that other countries were involved as the American sub-contracted the torture to countries such as Syria, Libya and Uzbekistan. In truth the United States runs what is akin to an organised mafia cartel that goes around the globe for nothing more than colonial and economic interests. The talk of human rights, international law and organisations such as the International Criminal Court are just a smoke screen to fool the world. On the one hand the US pushes for freedom, democracy and the implementation of their ideology in the Muslim world, whilst on the other they use this same ideology to render innocent individuals for torture. [2]
3. Nuclear Holocaust
It took a lot of exceptional Americans to develop the atomic bomb. But when just two of those weapons of mass destruction were dropped on Japan, it's estimated that 220,000 men, women and children were killed by those blasts. That's a heavy cost to bear by the only nation to use such a weapon -- a country that routinely questions whether other nations can be trusted with its destructive power. It is also estimated that since 1945, the United States has produced more than 70,000 Nuclear Warheads, which is more than all other nuclear states combined.
4. Napalm
Napalm, another deadly development of US exceptionalism, was invented by a Harvard University professor. When a napalm bomb explodes, a flaming gel spatters indiscriminately in every direction. It clings to anything it touches with flames that reach up to 5,000 degrees. As a weapon of mass destruction, napalm is unique in the destruction it can create. No other country has used napalm more than the US
5. Pornography
US entertainment dominates the global media, but it is also exceptional in that it also possess the world's largest pornographic industry. Valued at $13 billion America's pornographic industry is an industry in its own right. Earlier this year pornographic production was suspended temporarily due to the growing number of HIV cases where actors and actresses were tested HIV-Positive but it was no surprise when it quickly restarted after a week of investigations [3] The pornographic industry is the occupation of about 20,000 people in the US who rely on selling their bodies for an income. There is indeed no difference in the illegal prostitution of women which in some parts of the USA is legal
6. Depression
In the pursuit for happiness, the USA has exceptionally failed. Anxiety disorders are the most common illness the USA faces, affecting 40 million adults (18% of the population) costing the US more than $42 billion per year almost a third of the country's $148 billion mental health bill [4]. America's and France jointly share the number one spot for the most people who have experiences depression. 1 in 5 people in the US are considered depressed.
7. Crime
It would be no surprise if Rockstar Games were inspired by America in their latest GTA 5 launch since America truly is a reflection of Grand Theft Auto with explosive crime rates. Murder, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Motor Vehicle Theft are daily occurrences in the States. The FBI Crime Clock revealed in 2011:
1 Violent Crime took place every 26.2 Seconds,
1 Murder took place every 36 minutes,
1 Burglary every 14.4 seconds,
1 motor vehicle theft every 44.1 seconds and,
1 rape every 6.3 minutes.
Whilst the 2012 Crime Clock is yet to be made available, the preliminary 2012 crime statistics have shown increases from the previous year [5].
8. Obesity
McDonalds is one of the most famous symbols of the US and a sign of economic success. Indeed the success of McDonalds led to a hyper-competitive food industry and a country that transformed a peoples from old fashioned cooked food to processed fast food. The colossal of food companies led to cheap, fast, unhealthy processed food inevitably leading to obesity. Obesity has been cited as a major health issue in recent decades and the obesity rates in the US are the highest in the world. Obesity has been contributing to approximately 100,000 -400,000 deaths in the US per year and has cost an estimated $117 billion in direct and indirect costs to the economy. This exceeds health care costs associated with smoking or drinking and accounts for 12% of national health care expenditures [7].
9. Military Spending
Whilst America's industry is able to produce state of the art technologies and platforms, where the US has been exceptional is in developing weapons to kill, maim and massacre. Indeed for the US to maintain its hegemony over the world it needs a prosperous military and perhaps the most exceptional phenomenon about the US is it's expenditure on military and foreign military sales to dictators. Nearly half of all of the world's military expenditure was by the USA until the effects of the global financial crises and the post-Iraq/Afghanistan operations led to a decline but still accounted for 39% of global spending in 2012 [8].
10. Debt
The global financial crisis has brought to the forefront how much the US lives beyond its means. The US generated nearly $14 trillion in 2007, however the national debt – this is money the central and federal governments owe to the US public and the world through the bonds they have sold - stands at $9.7 trillion. The US citizenry have a huge appetite for imports and real estate; as a result consumer debt stands at $11.4 trillion. The debts of US companies amounts to $18.4 trillion. This makes the US indebted to the tune of just under $40 trillion – nearly 75% of what the world produces. In a Harvard report it was calculated that 10% of the US population owned 71% of the nation's wealth, whilst the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth, 5 this has created 37 million Americans who live below the poverty line. The US is only able to live in this way because it has the US dollar, which is the world's reserve currency, however this massive wealth fracture is not sustainable and the sustainability of living today and paying for the lifestyle tomorrow is becoming untenable. [11]
In conclusion America's precarious exceptionalism was summed up by a US writer:
"The United States is at the end of the period of global leadership and domination that we've enjoyed for the last 50 years or so. The country is bankrupt economically. We've lost our edge in terms of politics, economics, socially. We no longer compare well with other countries around the world, and we're not admired as we once were by countries around the world. And we're not viewed as a model for economic and political development, as we once were. So this really marks a global shift in world history, both for the United States and the rest of the world. It is a gloomy picture, and this wasn't an easy book to write for that reason. But I think the facts speak for themselves. If you look at the United States, both in terms of comparing us to 20 years ago or in comparing us to other developed countries in the world, the United States doesn't come out on top on almost any measure anymore. And this has long-term implications that are going to affect the way we live and the role we play in the world. So it is a gloomy picture, although I think there are ways in which the United States can eventually emerge from this in a solid position." David S Mason, 'The End of the American Century.'
Saturday, 05 October 2013 07:27 Kasim Javed 

Slavery and Soccer

"Football, it seemed to me, is not really played for the pleasure of kicking a ball about, but is a species of fighting."
—George Orwell
It is quite a radical statement by the well- known dystopian writer. To allude that the game of football unearths a particular strand of human nature that has a propensity to violence and fighting could be considered as sensational exaggeration by the lovers of the sport. Such a statement is not the debate here. However, what appears clear is that Orwell is certainly well ahead of his time. Without doubt, he is one of the few thinkers able to articulate the outlook of the trajectory of human existence as bleak and pessimistic. One wonders if Orwell foresaw the current reality of football as it stands today; excessive wages, lavish lifestyles of the players as well as hooliganism, racism and the propensity to create regional rivalry.
One dimension to the world's most favourite sport, which has crept onto the radar in recent times, is the powerful tendency towards exploitation. Qatar, the tiny Gulf state, has been under the international spotlight in relation to the process of 'winning' the bid to host the World Cup in 2022. The country with a small population of 2 million people wishes to portray itself as modern, futuristic and technologically savvy, capable of creating an extravaganza of one of the most important sporting events. No doubt, it can do this but at what cost? Initial concerns were raised about the dubious way in which Qatar was given such an opportunity, as many analysts speculated that bribery and corruption at the highest levels were pivotal in the decision. The French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, was exposed by the respected magazine, France Football, for 'acts of collusion and corruption' as he secretly held a lunch meeting with the crown prince of Qatar, Tamin ibn Hamam al-Thani, Michel Platini, president of the European Football Association and a representative of the investment fund which owned the then struggling French football club, Paris Saint-Germain. It is alleged that Mr Platini was pressured by the Qatari's to reconsider his initial thoughts of the World Cup to be held in the United States. The Qatari's would fulfill the 'deal' by buying Paris Saint Germaine and establishing a new TV sports channel in France to rival Canal Plus, a channel Sarkozy loathes. Therefore, economics and politics are the two pronged influences that have shaped the decision. Although, many of the reports are speculative in nature, if one takes into consideration the various media contracts, construction deals by international firms and other actors that have vested interests in Qatar, then it becomes pryingly obvious that huge sums of money is set to settle in the wallets of a small minority of elites around the globe, whether in government, construction, media or football.
However, what is likely to severely dent the credentials of the tournament is a recent investigation by The Guardian that shed light on the abuses many of the construction workers are victims of. The report documents evidence of migrants from South Asia working an excess of 12 hour shifts in the baking heat with little access to food and water. Some accounts speak of individuals begging for food from fellow colleagues, as wages are suspended. To add further discomfort to the story, construction employers would confiscate passports and ID cards. Even the accommodations they reside in are poorly ventilated, squalid and crammed with many others who find themselves in the same predicament.
The $100 billion infrastructure project is set to be the costliest world cup ever as a new rail system, an entire new suburb adjoining its capital Doha, luxury hotels with transport links and nine state-of-the-art, air-conditioned stadiums are forecasted to be constructed. Such lavish spending stands in stark contrast to the working conditions of its labour force, much of which is imported from very poor countries and which make up about 90% of its residents. Many of us would not be surprised by these findings as similar stories leak out of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. It is true that one of the reasons for the economic prosperity of the region is due to worker exploitation. Often the stories are reminiscent of the squalid conditions slaves had to work in during the European conquests of the Americas or the harsh conditions during the industrial revolution of Britain. Historians would agree that slave labour is closely interwoven with economic prospects and unfortunately such a reality is all too common around the world.
As part of our analysis on such a grotesque phenomenon, one has to scrutinize the ethical premise that contributes to such a situation. The secular ethics espoused by the elites has always created gross resentment and insecurity, as the criteria of utilitarianism championed by Jeremy Bentham and further enforced by John Stuart Mill has been the dominant yardstick of deciding upon what actions to take. Bentham based his moral philosophy upon the principle, 'Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure'. Such a basis affirms two strands of thought; one concerns the pursuit of seeking happiness or pleasure for certain interest groups, even if a minority are subjugated and second, a question is inevitably asked, and 'Does the end justify the means?' If the net outcome of an action is considered 'good' or 'beneficial', can one overlook the means or methods that were employed in order to achieve the results?
Above is just a cursory glance of the underlying fundamental problem that we are witnessing in a world where divine ethics are sidelined and replaced by humanist considerations. As secularism coupled with Capitalist policies continually favour a very small minority, it is imperative for the Muslims to go back to the teachings of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم so we can understand the righteous way one undertakes social actions. The category of mu'amalaat can be understood at its basic level by making recourse to a handful of narrations:-
'Those are your brothers [workers under you] who are around you, Allah has placed them under you. So, if anyone of you has someone under him, he should feed him out of what he himself eats, clothe him like what he himself puts on, and let him not put so much burden on him that he is not able to bear, [and if that be the case], then lend your help to him' (Bukhari)
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم also said:
'I will be a foe to three persons on the Last Day: one of them being the one who, when he employs a person that has accomplished his duty, does not give him his due.' (Bukhari)
Furthermore, In the Sunan of Ibn Majah, the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, 'The wages of the labourers must be paid to him before the sweat dries upon his body.'
Therefore, one cannot help but feel contempt for the government of Qatar. Despite its vast oil wealth, she shows very little interest in playing a sincere role in the Muslim World; instead those in the royal family are rushing to fulfill their pockets and satisfy their egos by championing the opportunity in hosting the World Cup. They should at least ponder and reflect upon the saying of the Messenger and aim to implement the divine law upon the people, only then will it to be admiration of the world for its just system. Until then, I still wonder if George Orwell foresaw how soccer would be the pretext to exploitation and slavery.
Tuesday, 08 October 2013 07:07 Saqib Bukhari 

Mengamalkan Ajaran Islam Ibarat Menggenggam Bara Api

Anas bin Malik menuturkan, Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Akan tiba suatu masa pada manusia, dimana orang yang bersabar di antara mereka dalam memegang agamanya, ibarat orang yang menggenggam bara api.” (Hr. at-Tirmidzi)
Dengan redaksi yang berbeda, Abu Hurairah menuturkan, Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Celakalah orang-orang Arab, yaitu keburukan yang benar-benar telah dekat; fitnah ibarat sepenggal malam yang gelap gulita. Pagi hari seseorang masih beriman, sorenya telah berubah menjadi Kafir. Kaum yang menjual agama mereka dengan tewaran dunia yang tidak seberapa. Maka, orang yang berpegang teguh pada agamanya, ibarat orang yang menggenggam bara api.” (Ibn Hajar al-Haitsami, Majma’ az-Zawaid wa Manba’ al-Fawaid, juz VII, hal. 552)
Rasulullah SAW ketika ditanya oleh para sahabat, “Wahai Rasulullah, apakah (kita) termasuk mereka?” Beliau menjawab: “Justru, mereka seperti kalian.” ‘Umar bin al-Khatthab menjelaskan takwil surat Ali ‘Imran: 110 dengan menyatakan, “Siapa saja yang mengerjakan amal sebagaimana yang kalian kerjakan, maka dia pun sama kedudukannya seperti kalian..” (Lihat, al-Qurthubi, al-Jami’ li Ahkam al-Qur’an, juz IV, hal. 170)
Imam al-Auza’i pernah ditanya, “Kapankah zaman tersebut?” Beliau menjawab, “Kalau bukan zaman kita sekarang ini, saya tidak tahu, kapankah zaman tersebut? ” (Lihat, Ibn ‘Asakir, Tarikh Dimasqa, juz XXXVII, hal. 97). Kalau pada zaman al-Auza’i sudah sedemikian parah, padahal hukum syara’ masih diterapkan oleh negara dan para penguasanya, lalu bagaimana dengan zaman kita?

Istirahat Bagi Orang Mukmin Merupakan Kelalaian.

Istirahat bagi orang Mukmin merupakan kelalaian. Menganggur bisa membunuhnya.. Orang yang paling banyak berkhayal adalah para penganggur yang tidak mempunyai aktivitas. Maka, bergeraklah, beraktivitaslah, membaca, bertasbih, menulis, ziarahlah dan manfaatkan waktu anda. Jangan jadikan sedetik waktumu untuk menganggur. Sehari anda menganggur pasti anda melamun dan berkhayal, dan jadilah lahan permainan syaitan.. (Aidh al-Qarni, La Tahzan)
راحةُ المؤمن غَفْلَةٌ ، والفراغُ قاتلٌ ، والعطالَةُ بطالَةٌ ، وأكثرُ الناسِ هموماً وغموماً وكدراً العاطلونَ الفارغونَ . والأراجيفُ والهواجسُ رأسُ مالِ المفاليسِ من العملِ الجادِّ المثمرِ . فتحرَّك واعملْ ، وزاولْ وطالعْ ، واتْلُ وسبِّحْ ، واكتبْ وزُرْ ، واستفدْ منْ وقتِك ، ولا تجعلْ دقيقةً للفراغِ ، إنك يوم تفرغُ يدخلُ عليك الهمُّ والغمُّ ، والهاجسُ والوساوسُ ، وتصبحُ ميداناً لألاعيبِ الشيطانِ .
عن كتاب لا تحزن

Menundukkan Pandangan

Memandang sesuatu yang tidak halal untuk dipandang bisa mengubah pandangan menjadi panah syetan yang beracun. Siapa yang menundukkan pandangan, Allah akan menggantinya dengan manisnya iman dalam dada (Ibnu al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah, al-Jawab al-Kafi,179).
Maka, gunakanlah mata untuk membaca al-Quran, menangis karena takut kepada Allah, dan memalingkan hati dari pikiran, godaan, dan gangguan tersebut.

Perusak Agama

Abdullah al-Mubarak rahimahullah bertutur: Wa afsada ad-dina Illa al-muluku wa ahbar as-su’ wa ruhbanuha (apakah ada yg merusak agama selain raja/penguasa, ulama’ su’ dan rahib-rahibnya?).
Syaikh ‘Ali al-Ghazi dalam Syarah Aqidah at-Thahawi berkata: Penguasa durjana menentang syariah dengan politik yang durjana. Mereka mengalahkan syariah. Ahbar su’ adalah ulama’ yang meninggalkan syariah dengan mengikuti pandangan dan analogi mereka yang rusak. Menghalalkan yang haram dan mengharamkan yang halal. Rahib adalah orang bodoh yang menjadi sufi dengan mengikuti perasaan dan imajinasi mereka. (Ibn al-Qayyim, Ighatsah al-Lahfan, Juz I, hal. 346)

Kapan Ghibah Diperbolehkan

باب ما يباح من الغيبة
Ketahuilah bahwa Ghibah diperbolehkan untuk tujuan yang sah menurut syari’at, di mana ada suatu keperluan yang tidak dapat tercapai kecuali dengan melakukan ghibah tersebut. Ada enam kondisi yang membolehkan ghibah dilakukan:
Pertama, mengadukan kezhaliman (at-tazhallum). Boleh bagi orang yang dizhalimi untuk mengadukan kezhaliman yang menimpa dirinya kepada penguasa, qadhi, atau yang memiliki otoritas hukum ataupun pihak yang berwajib lainnya. Ia dapat menuntut keadilan ditegakkan, misalnya dengan mengatakan Si Fulan telah melakukan kezhaliman terhadapku dengan cara seperti ini dan itu
Kedua, permintaan bantuan untuk mengubah kemungkaran dan mengembalikan pelaku maksiyat pada kebenaran (al isti’ânah ‘ala taghyîril munkar wa raddal ‘âshi ila ash shawâb). Maka seseorang boleh menyampaikan kepada orang yang diharapkan mampu menghilangkan kemungkaran tersebut dengan mengatakan Si Fulan telah berbuat begini, hingga selamatlah orang tersebut dari kemaksiyatan atau kemungkaran. Ataupun dengan pernyataan lain yang sejenis dengan itu, yang jelas maksudnya adalah mengarah kepada terhilangkannya suatu kemungkaran. Tapi jika tidak mengarah kepada hal semacam ini, maka tersebut adalah haram
Ketiga, permintaan fatwa (al istiftâ`). Misal seseorang mengatakan kepada seorang mufti (pemberi fatwa), ayahku (atau saudaraku atau suamiku atau fulan) telah menzhalimi aku dengan cara begini. Lalu apa yang harus aku perbuat padanya?; bagaimana cara agar aku terlepas darinya, mendapatkan hakku, dan terlindung dari kezhaliman itu? Atau pernyataan apapun yang semacam itu. Maka ini hukumnya boleh jika diperlukan. Tapi lebih tepat dan lebih afdhal jika ia mengatakan, bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang orang atau seoseorang, atau seorang suami yang telah memperbuat hal seperti ini? Maka ini dapat membuatnya mencapai hasil (jawaban) tanpa harus menyebutkan rinciannya (tanpa perlu menyebut siapa orangnya, red). Meskipun demikian, tetap diperbolehkan untuk melakukan rincian (at ta’yîn), sebagaimana yang akan kami sebutkan dalam hadits dari Hindun nanti, insyaallah.
Keempat, memperingatkan kaum muslimin agar waspada terhadap suatu keburukan dan menasihati mereka (tahdzîrul muslimîn min asy syarr wa nashîhatuhum). Ini ada beberapa bentuk, diantaranya adalah menyebutkan keburukan sifat orang yang memang pantas disebutkan keburukannya (jarhul majrûhîn) yakni dari kalangan para perawi hadits dan saksi-saksi (di pengadilan, red). Hal ini diperbolehkan menurut ijma’ kaum muslimin. Bahkan bisa menjadi wajib untuk suatu keperluan tertentu. Contoh lainnya adalah meminta masukan atau pendapat (musyawarah) tentang rencana melakukan pernikahan dengan seseorang (mushâharah), kerjasama, memutuskan kerjasama, mua’amalat dan lain sebagainya, atau tentang hubungan ketetanggaan. Maka wajib bagi orang yang dimintai masukan untuk tidak menyembunyikan informasi seputar orang yang ingin diketahui keadaan dirinya. Bahkan ia mesti menyebutkan perangai-perangai buruknya yang memang diniatkan untuk melakukan nasehat. Contoh lainnya lagi adalah jika seseorang melihat orang lain yang belajar agama yang berulang kali datang kepada orang yang berbuat bid’ah atau orang fasik dengan maksud mengambil ilmu dari pelaku bid’ah dan orang fasik tersebut, lalu dengan itu dikhawatirkan ia akan mendapat madharat, maka ia harus menasehatinya dan memberikan penjelasan mengenai keadaan sebenarnya. Dengan syarat hal itu betul-betul dimaksudkan untuk memberi nasehat. Ini memang berpotensi untuk terjadi kekeliruan, sebab terkadang si pemberi nasehat memiliki tendensi kedengkian, hingga syaithan mencampuradukkan antara nasehat dengan kedengkian itu. Syaithan menghadirkan bayangan padanya bahwa hal itu adalah nasehat, akhirnya ia terjerumus dalam fitnah.
Yang juga termasuk dalam point ini adalah bahwa ia memiliki kekuasaan yang tidak ia tegakkan dengan semestinya. Boleh jadi karena memang ia tidak layak. Atau boleh jadi karena ia fasiq maupun lalai, atau yang sejenis dengan itu. Maka wajib hal itu diungkapkan kepada orang yang memiliki kewenangan lebih tinggi di atasnya agar kelalaian itu dihilangkan atau orangnya diganti dengan yang lebih kompeten. Atau diinformasikan mengenai apa saja agar pemilik otoritas yang lebih tinggi dapat mengambil treatment sesuai tuntutan keadaan orang yang lalai tersebut. Ia tidak boleh lengah. Ia harus berusaha untuk mendorongnya agar istiqomah atau menggantinya.
Kelima, seseorang memperlihatkan secara terang-terangan (al- mujâhir) kefasiqan atau perilaku bid’ahnya sebagaimana orang yang yang memperlihatkan perbuatan minum khamr, menyita, mengambil upeti, pengumpulan harta secara zhalim, memimpin dengan sistem yang bathil. Maka ini boleh untuk disebutkan dikarenakan perbuatan itupun dilakukan terang-terangan (mujâharah). Adapun hal-hal lain yang merupakan aib yang disembunyikan tidak boleh turut disebut-sebut, kecuali adanya kebolehan yang disebabkan oleh alasan yang telah kami sebutkan pada empat point sebelumnya.
Keenam, penyebutan nama (at-ta’rîf). Jika seseorang telah dikenal luas dengan nama laqab (julukan) seperti al-A’masy (Si Kabur Penglihatannya) atau al-A’raj (Si Pincang), atau al- Ashamm (Si Tuli), al-A’maa (Si Buta), al-Ahwal (Si Juling), dan lain sebagainya maka boleh menyebut nama mereka dengan sebutan itu. Dan diharamkan menyebutkan sisi kekurangannya yang lain. Maka, jika memungkinkan untuk menyebutkan namanya selain dengan menggunakan julukan seperti itu, maka tentu lebih diutamakan.
Inilah enam sebab yang disebutkan oleh para ulama dan sebagian besarnya mereka sepekati. Adapun dalil-dalilnya adalah dari hadits-hadits shohih yang masyhur, diantaranya adalah,
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها أن رجلا استأذن على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال‏:‏ “ائذنوا له، بئس أخو العشيرة‏؟‏ ‏”‏ ‏(‏‏(‏متفق عليه‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏
Dari Aisyah r.anha bahwa seseorang meminta izin pada Nabi SAW, lalu beliau berkata: izinkanlah ia, seburuk-buruk saudara suatu kabilah. (Muttafaq Alaih)
Al Bukhori berhujjah dengan hadits ini mengenai kebolehan berghibah terhadap ahlul fasad (pembuat kerusakan) dan ahlu ar rayb (menciptakan keraguan).
وعنها قالت‏:‏ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏”‏ما أظن فلانًا وفلانًا يعرفان من ديننا شيئًا‏”‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه البخاري‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏ قال الليث بن سعد أحد رواة هذا الحديث‏:‏ هذان الرجلان كانا من المنافقين
Dan masih dari Aisyah, ia berkata: Rasulullah SAW bersabda, aku melihat si fulan dan si fulan tidaklah mengetahui sedikitpun dari perkara agama kami. (HR al Bukhari). Al Layts ibn Sa’ad—salah seorang perawi hadits ini—berkata: kedua orang yang disebut di sini adalah orang munafiq.
وعن فاطمة بنت قيس رضي الله عنها قالت‏:‏ أتيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقلت‏:‏ إن أبا الجهم ومعاوية خطباني‏؟‏ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏‏”‏أما معاوية، فصعلوك لا مال له ، وأما أبوالجهم، فلا يضع العصا عن عاتقه‏”‏ ‏(‏‏(‏متفق عليه‏)‏‏)‏
Dari Fathimah binti Qays r.anha, ia berkata: aku mendatangi Nabi SAW lalu aku berkata, sesungguhnya Abul Jahm dan Mu’awiyah telah mengkhitbahku. Lalu Rasulullah SAW berkata, adapun Mu’awiyah adalah orang fakir, ia tidak mempunyai harta. Adapun Abul Jahm, ia tidak pernah meletakkan tongkat dari pundaknya. (Muttafaq alaih)
Dan dalam riwayat Muslim, haditsnya berbunyi:
‏”‏وأما أبو الجهم فضراب للنساء‏”‏
Adapun Abul Jahm ia suka memukul wanita.
Ini merupakan penjelasan dari riwayat sebelumnya yang mengatakan ia tidak pernah meletakkan tongkat dari pundaknya. Juga dikatakan bahwa makna ia tidak pernah meletakkan tongkat dari pundaknya adalah katsiirul asfaar, yakni banyak bepergian.
وعن زيد بن أرقم رضي الله عنه قال‏:‏ خرجنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في سفر أصاب الناس فيه شدة، فقال عبد الله بن أبي‏:‏ لا تنفقوا على من عند رسول الله حتى ينفضوا وقال‏:‏ لئن رجعنا إلى المدينة ليخرجن الأعز منها الأذل فأتيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأخبرته بذلك، فأرسل إلى عبد الله بن أبي ، فاجتهد يمينه‏:‏ ما فعل، فقالوا‏:‏ كذب زيد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فوقع في نفسي مما قالوا شدة حتى أنزل الله تعالى تصديقي ‏{‏إذا جاءك المنافقون‏}‏ ثم دعاهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ليستغفر لهم فلووا رءوسهم‏.‏ ‏(‏‏(‏متفق عليه‏)‏‏)
Dari Zaid bin Arqam r.a, ia berkata: kami pernah keluar bersama Rasulullah SAW dalam sebuah perjalanan di mana orang-orang ditimpa kesulitan. Lalu Abdullah bin Ubay berkata, jangan engkau memberi infaq kepada orang-orang yang bersama Rasulullah supaya mereka bubar. Lalu ia berkata lagi, “sesungguhnya jika kita telah kembali ke Madinah, benar-benar orang yang kuat akan mengusir orang-orang yang lemah daripadanya”. Kemudian aku mendatangi Rasulullah SAW, lalu aku mengemukakan hal tadi, maka beliau mengutus kepada Abdullah bin Ubay, namun ia bersumpah bahwa ia tidak melakukannya. Lalu orang-orang mengatakan¸ “Zaid telah membohongi Rasulullah SAW”. Lalu beliau mencelaku dengan keras atas apa yang orang-orang katakan hingga Allah SWT menurunkan apa yang dapat membenarkanku ‏{‏إذا جاءك المنافقون‏} “apa bila datang orang-orang munafiq” (QS Al Munaafiquun). Kemudian Nabi SAW memanggil mereka untuk memintakan ampun bagi mereka, tapi mereka memalingkan wajah mereka. (Muttafaq alayh)
وعن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت‏:‏ قالت هند امرأة أبي سفيان للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏:‏ إن أبا سفيان رجل شحيح وليس يعطيني ما يكفيني وولدي إلا ما أخذت منه، وهو لا يعلم‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ ‏”‏خذي ما يكفيك وولدك بالمعروف‏”‏ ‏(‏‏(‏متفق عليه‏)‏‏)‏
Dari Aisyah r.anha, ia berkata: Hindun istri Abu Sufyan berkata kepada Nabi SAW, “Sesungguhnya Abu Sufyan adalah seorang laki-laki yang pelit, ia tidak memberikan kepadaku apa yang mencukupi aku dan anakku kecuali apa yang aku ambil secara diam-diam tanpa sepengetahuannya”. Lalu Nabi SAW berkata “Ambillah apa yang mencukupimu dan anak-anakmu dengan cara yang baik (bil ma’ruf)” (Muttafaq Alayh)