Tuesday 16 September 2014

Become second is always forgotten

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, tsumma alhamdulillah, washsholatu wassalamu 'alaa rosulillah wa 'alaa aalihi washohbihi wa mawwaalah

My dear students

When we talk about the history about energy and electricity they will only mention the man who come up with, Not the man who developed

When we talking about phones, they only mention the man who came up with, Not the man who developed,

when we talking about fuqoha we always start with Imam Syafi'i because he is the first place

There is always no place for second person!

So as a muslim, if we say "i am happy, i am satisfied with the second place"
then i will tell YOU!


Because our Messenger SAW said only one person and he aim that

He SAW said " i want to be the one who has the most followers" so He want to be first!

He SAW want US as His followers to be the first and the best nations!

Do you know why today we muslims all over the world became followers or looser Not became a leader?

Its Because we NO longer AIM HIGH!
Remember Big Person always start from a Big Dream