In his speech on 24th September 2013,
President Obama endeavoured to remind the world of America's
exceptionalism conveying some of the most pressing issues facing the US
today. Obama contextualised the shift from 20th century warfare to the
modern political paradigm of using diplomacy in order to deal with a
hostile political environment in the Middle East. In his words "I
believe such disengagement would be a mistake. I believe America must
remain engaged for our own security, but I also believe the world is
better for it. Some may disagree. But I believe America is exceptional.
In part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of
blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow
self-interest, but for the interest of all." [1] The speech
addressed the current US position on Syria, the US viewpoint on Egypt,
their relationship with Iran and emphasised their commitment to the
democratisation of the Middle East.
Barack Obama emphasised America's
exceptionalism – this is the belief that the United States is
"qualitatively different" from other nations. Whilst the US stood as the
global unipolar power since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990,
today America no longer enjoys exclusive political, economic or moral
supremacy. What follows are 10 things the US truly is exceptional at:
1. Police State
In June this year a former CIA
operative, Edward Snowden exposed US surveillance activities which
revealed much about the inner workings of the US government. The
revelations by Snowden uncovered PRISM, a clandestine electronic
surveillance program that allowed the NSA to access email, web searches
and real-time internet traffic. It involved collecting millions of
emails and content from social media and was effectively spying on its
own citizens on an industrial scale. The NSA leaks also claimed that the
US hacked Chinese mobile phone companies to collect millions of text
messages as well the Asian fibre-optic network operator Pacnet. These
revelations caused international embarrassment for the US and publicised
hypocrisies and double standards. The US has always accused China of
cyber espionage yet it has now come to surface that they are guilty of
hacking and are of the best hackers in the world. All of this shows that
spying rather than the freedoms is how social cohesion is maintained in
2. Rendition
The Open Society Justice Initiative's
(OSJI) 213-page report into the CIA's global rendition program has
revealed that nearly a quarter of the world's governments were involved
in the covert movement, detention and subsequent torture of dozens of
people during the post 9/11 'War on Terror'. It has become clear that
without the co-operation of the global community the US would have been
unable to carry out its rendition program, making all those involved
complicit. It has always been known that other countries were involved
as the American sub-contracted the torture to countries such as Syria,
Libya and Uzbekistan. In truth the United States runs what is akin to an
organised mafia cartel that goes around the globe for nothing more than
colonial and economic interests. The talk of human rights,
international law and organisations such as the International Criminal
Court are just a smoke screen to fool the world. On the one hand the US
pushes for freedom, democracy and the implementation of their ideology
in the Muslim world, whilst on the other they use this same ideology to
render innocent individuals for torture. [2]
3. Nuclear Holocaust
It took a lot of exceptional Americans
to develop the atomic bomb. But when just two of those weapons of mass
destruction were dropped on Japan, it's estimated that 220,000 men,
women and children were killed by those blasts. That's a heavy cost to
bear by the only nation to use such a weapon -- a country that routinely
questions whether other nations can be trusted with its destructive
power. It is also estimated that since 1945, the United States has
produced more than 70,000 Nuclear Warheads, which is more than all other
nuclear states combined.
4. Napalm
Napalm, another deadly development of US
exceptionalism, was invented by a Harvard University professor. When a
napalm bomb explodes, a flaming gel spatters indiscriminately in every
direction. It clings to anything it touches with flames that reach up to
5,000 degrees. As a weapon of mass destruction, napalm is unique in the
destruction it can create. No other country has used napalm more than
the US
5. Pornography
US entertainment dominates the global
media, but it is also exceptional in that it also possess the world's
largest pornographic industry. Valued at $13 billion America's
pornographic industry is an industry in its own right. Earlier this year
pornographic production was suspended temporarily due to the growing
number of HIV cases where actors and actresses were tested HIV-Positive
but it was no surprise when it quickly restarted after a week of
investigations [3] The pornographic industry is the occupation of about
20,000 people in the US who rely on selling their bodies for an income.
There is indeed no difference in the illegal prostitution of women which
in some parts of the USA is legal
6. Depression
In the pursuit for happiness, the USA
has exceptionally failed. Anxiety disorders are the most common illness
the USA faces, affecting 40 million adults (18% of the population)
costing the US more than $42 billion per year almost a third of the
country's $148 billion mental health bill [4]. America's and France
jointly share the number one spot for the most people who have
experiences depression. 1 in 5 people in the US are considered
7. Crime
It would be no surprise if Rockstar
Games were inspired by America in their latest GTA 5 launch since
America truly is a reflection of Grand Theft Auto with explosive crime
rates. Murder, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Motor Vehicle Theft are daily
occurrences in the States. The FBI Crime Clock revealed in 2011:
1 Violent Crime took place every 26.2 Seconds,
1 Murder took place every 36 minutes,
1 Burglary every 14.4 seconds,
1 motor vehicle theft every 44.1 seconds and,
1 rape every 6.3 minutes.
Whilst the 2012 Crime Clock is yet to be
made available, the preliminary 2012 crime statistics have shown
increases from the previous year [5].
8. Obesity
McDonalds is one of the most famous
symbols of the US and a sign of economic success. Indeed the success of
McDonalds led to a hyper-competitive food industry and a country that
transformed a peoples from old fashioned cooked food to processed fast
food. The colossal of food companies led to cheap, fast, unhealthy
processed food inevitably leading to obesity. Obesity has been cited as a
major health issue in recent decades and the obesity rates in the US
are the highest in the world. Obesity has been contributing to
approximately 100,000 -400,000 deaths in the US per year and has cost an
estimated $117 billion in direct and indirect costs to the economy.
This exceeds health care costs associated with smoking or drinking and
accounts for 12% of national health care expenditures [7].
9. Military Spending
Whilst America's industry is able to
produce state of the art technologies and platforms, where the US has
been exceptional is in developing weapons to kill, maim and massacre.
Indeed for the US to maintain its hegemony over the world it needs a
prosperous military and perhaps the most exceptional phenomenon about
the US is it's expenditure on military and foreign military sales to
dictators. Nearly half of all of the world's military expenditure was by
the USA until the effects of the global financial crises and the
post-Iraq/Afghanistan operations led to a decline but still accounted
for 39% of global spending in 2012 [8].
10. Debt
The global financial crisis has brought
to the forefront how much the US lives beyond its means. The US
generated nearly $14 trillion in 2007, however the national debt – this
is money the central and federal governments owe to the US public and
the world through the bonds they have sold - stands at $9.7 trillion.
The US citizenry have a huge appetite for imports and real estate; as a
result consumer debt stands at $11.4 trillion. The debts of US companies
amounts to $18.4 trillion. This makes the US indebted to the tune of
just under $40 trillion – nearly 75% of what the world produces. In a
Harvard report it was calculated that 10% of the US population owned 71%
of the nation's wealth, whilst the top 1% controlled 38%. On the other
hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth, 5 this
has created 37 million Americans who live below the poverty line. The US
is only able to live in this way because it has the US dollar, which is
the world's reserve currency, however this massive wealth fracture is
not sustainable and the sustainability of living today and paying for
the lifestyle tomorrow is becoming untenable. [11]
In conclusion America's precarious exceptionalism was summed up by a US writer:
"The United States is at the end of
the period of global leadership and domination that we've enjoyed for
the last 50 years or so. The country is bankrupt economically. We've
lost our edge in terms of politics, economics, socially. We no longer
compare well with other countries around the world, and we're not
admired as we once were by countries around the world. And we're not
viewed as a model for economic and political development, as we once
were. So this really marks a global shift in world history, both for the
United States and the rest of the world. It is a gloomy picture, and
this wasn't an easy book to write for that reason. But I think the facts
speak for themselves. If you look at the United States, both in terms
of comparing us to 20 years ago or in comparing us to other developed
countries in the world, the United States doesn't come out on top on
almost any measure anymore. And this has long-term implications that are
going to affect the way we live and the role we play in the world. So
it is a gloomy picture, although I think there are ways in which the
United States can eventually emerge from this in a solid position." David S Mason, 'The End of the American Century.'
1. http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-09-24/politics/42340329_1_challenges-war-u-n-general-assembly/6
4. http://www.adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_States
8. http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending
9. http://breakingdefense.com/2012/09/05/us-foreign-military-sales-top-65-billion/
11. http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/multimedia/books/9759-book-the-end-of-the-american-century-and-the-rise-of-the-rest
Saturday, 05 October 2013 07:27
Kasim Javed
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